Water Treatment Solutions

Water Treatment Solutions

The management of water and slurries is an integral and mandatory element of environmental protection across a range of industries. Failure to comply with the regulating body can result in significant fines with lasting commercial and reputational consequences.

a Clear Future

OSSO's range of modular water treatment solutions treat a variety of water-borne contaminants at source including:

  • Suspended solids
  • Oily water
  • Concrete wash water
  • pH correction

Fluid Analysis

The starting point of every separation process is to understand the composition of these waste streams, these can be:

  • Contaminated Waters — Produced water, slops, oily waters, completion fluids
  • Contaminated Fuels — Bunkered diesel fuels, day tanks
  • Contaminated Oils — Hydraulic oils, lube oils, refinery oil sludges

CPD Training: Wastewater Management

Understanding the management of excess water on construction sites is critical if you are to remain compliant with regulatory discharge criteria, and it's important that this knowledge is shared across your teams to ensure all projects adhere to these legislative standards.

OSSO's CPD training course in Wastewater Management is broken down into five modules, culminating in a practical workshop to put your learning in practice.


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Water Treatment?